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About Me

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I am a data analyst & research analyst with over four years of business experience in Africa, Europe, and North America. 


I employ different research methods (i.e. surveys, questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, literature review) to gather user data and I use data analysis tools like Google Analytics, MySQL, Excel, Tableau to sort & analyse data and to identify user insights, create strategies for developing & enhancing products make users happy and improve company profits. 


I believe in the power of using emotional connection (or empathy) and data to understand users and build products that make them happy and satisfied. 


I am skilled at building relationships and partnerships with and resolving conflicts between employees, users, clients and other company stakeholders. 



Outside of research, I’m passionate about promoting the importance of taking care of our mental health, which is often neglected.  I support a counseling agency that I co-founded with my sister called Grayson Counseling Services.

I am obsessed with learning via books, podcasts, and videos on the various topics that interest me. You can never catch me without a book. I am always learning something new about the world every day. 


Also, due to my extroverted nature, you can often spot me at social events having a fun time with friends and turning strangers into friends. I enjoy engaging with diverse people from across the globe. 


My life's mission is to bring joy, compassion, hope and freedom to the lives of everyone I meet using the power of human connection, technology, research and creativity. This mission is my driving force for all that I do.

Let’s Talk

You can reach out to me here to discuss your research and product management needs or if you need resource & book recommendations. 

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