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About Me

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I am a researcher with over four years of experience in the retail, education service, nonprofit and banking sector across Africa, Europe, and North America. 


I employ different research methods (i.e. surveys, questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, literature review) to gather user data and I use data analysis tools like Google Analytics, MySQL, Excel, Tableau to sort & analyse data and to identify user insights, create strategies for developing & enhancing products make users happy and improve company profits. 


I believe in the power of using emotional connection (or empathy) and data to understand users and build products that make them happy and satisfied. 


I am skilled at building relationships and partnerships with and resolving conflicts between employees, users, clients and other company stakeholders. 


I developed an interest in research early on in college when I was writing my final year dissertation for my Bachelors degree in the UK. I have conducted and supported diverse research projects over the last 6 years. 


I subsequently grew an interest in psychology and human behaviour while I was getting my Masters Degree in the United States in 2017, especially after reading ‘Man's Search for Meaning’ by Viktor Frankl.  


I discovered UX research and product management (PM) early last year in 2021 and I fell in love with it because it gave me the opportunity to combine my passion for research, psychology, and strategy creation. I immediately took a product management course to help broaden my knowledge in product management. I am currently taking a course on UX Design to gain a deeper understanding of the User Experience Design process.  


Outside of research, I’m passionate about promoting the importance of taking care of our mental health, which is often neglected.  I support a counseling agency that I co-founded with my sister called Grayson Counseling Services.


I am obsessed with learning via books, podcasts, and videos on the various topics that interest me. You can never catch me without a book. I am always learning something new about the world every day. 


Also, due to my extroverted nature, you can often spot me at social events having a fun time with friends and turning strangers into friends. I enjoy engaging with diverse people from across the globe. 


My life's mission is to bring joy, compassion, hope and freedom to the lives of everyone I meet using the power of human connection, technology, research and creativity. This mission is my driving force for all that I do.

Let’s Talk

You can reach out to me here to discuss your research and product management needs or if you need resource & book recommendations. 

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