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Dog Bites in New York City - Tableau


The primary aim of the project was to explore, analyze and understand dog bites & attacks in New York City from 2015 to 2021. The data was obtained from the NYC Open Data website.

Focus Questions

★ What parts of NYC did the dog bites occur?
★ What months during the year where people bitten the most or least?
★ What % of the dogs that attacked people were spayed or neutered?
★ What were the breeds, gender and age of the dogs?

Data Analysis Process

❎ Data Gathering

❎ Data Cleaning

❎ Data Modelling

❎ Data Transformation

❎ Data Visualisation

❎ Sharing Insights


I used a spatial data file (with the help of JOINS) to filter out the zip codes of places outside of the City of New York. I also used quite a few vertical and horizontal containers in the final dashboard which made a displaying the different data visuals easy seamless.  

NYC Dog Bites Dashboard (2).png

Key Findings  

✅ Most dog bites occurred between April and September every year
✅ Most dog bites (74%) came from dogs that hadn't been spayed or neutered
✅ Dogs between the ages of 1 and 5 bit people the most
✅ There were more bites from male dogs than female dogs
✅ Zip code 10029 had the highest number of bites while zip codes 10281, 10285, and 11005 had the lowest number of bites in NYC

You can interact with the final dashboard here on Tableau

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