Dog Bites in New York City - Tableau
The primary aim of the project was to explore, analyze and understand dog bites & attacks in New York City from 2015 to 2021. The data was obtained from the NYC Open Data website.
Focus Questions
★ What parts of NYC did the dog bites occur?
★ What months during the year where people bitten the most or least?
★ What % of the dogs that attacked people were spayed or neutered?
★ What were the breeds, gender and age of the dogs?
Data Analysis Process
❎ Data Gathering
❎ Data Cleaning
❎ Data Modelling
❎ Data Transformation
❎ Data Visualisation
❎ Sharing Insights
I used a spatial data file (with the help of JOINS) to filter out the zip codes of places outside of the City of New York. I also used quite a few vertical and horizontal containers in the final dashboard which made a displaying the different data visuals easy seamless.
Key Findings
✅ Most dog bites occurred between April and September every year
✅ Most dog bites (74%) came from dogs that hadn't been spayed or neutered
✅ Dogs between the ages of 1 and 5 bit people the most
✅ There were more bites from male dogs than female dogs
✅ Zip code 10029 had the highest number of bites while zip codes 10281, 10285, and 11005 had the lowest number of bites in NYC